Friday, November 29, 2019

The College Essay Blues free essay sample

I have been fretting about my college essay. I am worried that it will decide my future. Everyone tells me that’s not true. Even books (especially books) tell me that’s not true. I can’t make myself believe them. I am worried about â€Å"putting myself down on paper† as all those books have been telling me to do. I am not Flat Stanley, I am not a word. I cannot be pasted to an 8.511 sheet of paper and forgotten. It doesn’t work that way. I don’t know how I’m going to capture my â€Å"essence† on paper. How can I write down my complete inability to part my hair straight? How do I capture my favorite song – â€Å"Perdoname† – which I love for reasons even I don’t understand? I don’t think I can write down my memories of my gypsy-themed sixth birthday, or my excitement and apprehension at moving after eleven years in the same tan-and-red house. We will write a custom essay sample on The College Essay Blues or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am not sure how to begin to describe my inordinate delight at choosing a â€Å"Word of the Day† for junior English classes. I can’t explain my collection of papier-mache â€Å"Dia de los Muertos† skulls. I’ll never figure out how to chronicle my late-night baking adventures. Colleges are asking too much, perhaps, when they tell us to sum up our lives (however short; sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen is a lifetime to us – literally!) in a clear and concise 350-500 word essay. How can we be clear and concise about our teenage-selves, which are tumbling around in our heads like clothes in a washing machine on the fritz? Am I supposed to describe my tendency to drink Diet Coke in excess, or the â€Å"Feliz Cumpleanos† banner that’s still hanging in my room from my sixteenth birthday? Should I try to write down the utter joy I feel at composing a simple German sentence? Am I allowed to fess up to my gossip magazine addiction? More likely, colleges want a laundry list of my achievements. They want to hear that I’m an editor on the yearbook staff, that I’ve won a national writing award. They want to hear about my summer spent volunteering in rural Nicaragua, about my language skills and how they’ve won me competitions. They want to hear that I’m the VP of the Gay-Straight Alliance and historian of the German club, that I’m a member of both the NHS and the Spanish NHS. That’s all fine and good, except it’s not really what I want to tell them. I want to tell them that I can’t be summed up in 500 words, much less 350. The fedora collection, the USPS flat-rate box infatuation, the typewriter, the giant pink bear from eighth grade†¦none of it can be explained away in 12pt Times New Roman. I am not an essay, as much as I would like to be. I am a person, for better or worse, faults and all. I am a life-loving, eye-crossing, picture-taking, overly-sensitive soul who paints her toenails neon colors. I am not 350 words, nor 500. I’m me, acceptance letter or not.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Noticias Essays - Contramaestre, Cuba, Free Essays, Term Papers

Noticias Essays - Contramaestre, Cuba, Free Essays, Term Papers Noticias Una mezcla de euforia, baile y sensualidad fue lo que percibi anoche el Coliseo de Puerto Rico Jos Miguel Agrelot, durante la primera de dos funciones de la gira Sex and Love Tour de Enrique Iglesias y Pitbull. A las 9:30 p.m. dio comienzo el evento cuando el cantautor espaol se elev desde el interior de la tarima. Durante la presentacin interpret varios de sus xitos como I Like How It Feels, El perdedor, Bailamos, entre otros. Adems, cant a do con Wisin y Gente de Zona No me digas que no y Bailando, respectivamente. Uno de los momentos memorables con Iglesias se produjo cuando llam a un hombre del pblico, que se identific como Juan, para cantar juntos el tema Cuando me enamoro. A preguntas del hijo de Julio Iglesias, el sujeto le confes al pblico que lleva 23 aos de casado junto a la mujer perfecta, quien observaba incrdula desde su silla. Durante toda la presentacin, Mr. Worldwide mantuvo al pblico fuera de sus asientos, cuyos gritos retumbaban por todo el recinto. Quiero decirle a todo el mundo aqu en Puerto Rico esta noche: gracias por la oportunidad, vocifer Pitbull hacia los presentes. Adems, se manifest inconforme con los efectos de la tecnologa en la sociedad, ya que limita el contacto entre las personas. Con la tecnologa no sabemos ni la direccin de nosotros, ni el telfono de la casa, pero cuando yo era chamaquito, no haba tecnologa y qu cosa ms rica era esa, sentenci. Como parte de su espectculo, interpret varios xitos como Rain Over Me, Danza Kuduro y On The Floor, que grab con Marc Anthony, Don Omar y Jennifer Lpez, respectivamente, y a quienes agradeci en tarima por su apoyo y colaboracin.Poco despus, Iglesias y Pitbull aparecieron juntos en tarima interpretando I Like It, nmero musical con el cual dieron punto final a la velada. Muy cerca el regreso a la televisin de Mr. Cash Tan pronto como esta misma semana se conocern los detalles del nuevo programa de juegos que trae Josu Carrin, ms conocido como Mr. Cash. Ser el canal de televisin correspondiente quien haga el anuncio sobre la transmisin del nuevo espacio. No obstante, el presentador de televisin adelant a Primera Hora que el formato tendr ms y nuevos juegos, as como una escenografa ms amplia y con pantallas digitales. Adems, el estudio desde donde se realizar el programa tiene cabida para una cantidad mayor de pblico. El eterno galn, Braulio Castillo Cintrn, de 81 aos, muri esta maana por causas naturales en el Hogar Santa Teresa de Jess Jornet, en Cupey. La informacin se confirm con una nota que envi su familia a los medios de comunicacin y que fue firmada por su hijo Braulio Castillo. En la misma se notific la partida de quien fue uno de los primeros actores en la Isla. En estos momentos la familia espera por dos de los hijos que viajarn a la Isla desde los Estados Unidos y realiza las gestiones pertinentes para las exequias escribi Braulio Castillo hijo. Segn la nota recibida por este peridico, las exequias fnebres sern anunciadas para que el pueblo pueda compartir ese momento. Castillo protagoniz en Mxico las telenovelas Renzo el gitano y El cielo y t. De los datos de la Fundacin Nacional para la Cultura Popular, se desprende que en ese entonces Braulio Castillo padre tuvo un accidente que le caus una lesin en el cerebro y pas por una operacin que detuvo su carrera artstica en el momento de mayor popularidad.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Systems Analysis and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Systems Analysis and Design - Essay Example The most crucial security issues facing organizations today are data security, employee security, health risks, and physical security. A 2012 report by statistics organization Securitas showed that organizations, irrespective of size, dealt with data security issues most seriously (Wisegate 5). Dangers to data originate from rival companies, hackers, and espionage attempts. Employee security is the protection of employees from other workers, and internal and external dangers. Health risks companies deal with today often are contagious illnesses that perpetrate within closed rooms such as offices, unhygienic restrooms, defective wiring, and electrical structures. Physical security is protecting the organization’s property from theft or harm and access to all its premises and facilities (Shelly and Rosenblatt 502). Companies can prepare for security dangers and issues in the future by raising awareness and teaming amongst employees, making the information technology department the â€Å"First Adopter† of disruptive innovations, system segmentation, and system visibility. System segmentation is having all key applications of an organization under a single data setting where the degrees of dangers or effect that domestic workstations can have. System visibility is the analysis of ongoing in an organization’s network through solutions that determine system traffic patterns and note irregular patterns (Wisegate 6, 7,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 13

Criminal Law - Essay Example Such a duty of care arises as a result of the law. The question whether the facts of a case establish the existence of the duty of care is to be determined by the jury. If the duty’s existence is disputed, the jury ought to be directed that if certain facts are established, then in law a duty would arise. Existence of other facts would negative the duty ( Husak,1987). The Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by Gemma Evans against her conviction at Swansea Crown Court. The Lord Chief Justice, giving the judgment of the court, upheld the conviction of the appellant. The court found that the appellant, together with her mother, was convicted of manslaughter by gross negligence following the death of her half-sister, Carly, who was aged 16, who had injected herself with heroin which was supplied by the appellant. Carly developed symptoms similar to those of heroin overdose but the appellant and the mother failed to seek medical assistance as they feared that they themselves would all get into trouble. They thus decided to put Carly to bed, hoping that she would somehow recover which she never did and was found dead the following morning due to heroin poisoning. The appellant had remained at the house from the time when her half sister injected herself, throughout the evening and night. She had also witnessed the signs of the effect of the drug injected by Carly and that she realized that her half sister’s condition was dire. The appellant and her mother also thought that they were responsible for the care of Carly after her taking heroin. The question was whether the appellant was under a duty to take reasonable steps for the safety of Carly once she realized that the drug she had procured for her was having a potentially deadly impact on her health. This was despite the fact that their relationship lacked the features of familial duty or responsibility which marked her mother’s relationship with Carly, when omission

Monday, November 18, 2019

Understanding Health Disparities in Populations Assignment

Understanding Health Disparities in Populations - Assignment Example Lack of patients to offer services can result to losses in several aspects such as drug that might expire or the huge wages and bills without a return. The results show that Motivational Interviewing is the major coaching method used in healthcare centers. Therefore, the staff providing care services to the society needs a cultural background of the local community in order to deliver effective services that favor the wellness and goodness of the patient. In relation to cognitive theory outlined in the question, the healthcare providers need to change their tactics of service delivery depending to the target clients. The theory is used in the study when the cultural competency occur, especially during the recognition of illness and healthy of a patient by their cultural heritage contexts. In this case, the nurses need to adopt interpersonal and academic skills to increase their appreciation and understanding the patients from a cultural diverse community. The most effective strategy to make the health behavioral change is through training of both the patients and service providers. Training empowers both health practitioners and the patients to increase their knowledge of service delivery and develop adaptive mechanisms in cultural dynamics that benefits the minority

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Leon Battista Albertis Treatise on Architecture

Leon Battista Albertis Treatise on Architecture Discuss Albertis treatise on Architecture in relation to San Andrea in Mantua. In particular, discuss the role of humanistic philosophy in his work giving careful attention to the question of proportion Leon Battista Alberti (1404-72) was a true Renaissance man. He was a gifted playwright, mathematician and sportsman trained in Law. As the person in charge of the constructions commanded by the Pope, he had the occasion to write one of the greatest works of the theory of architecture De Re Aedificatoria (On Building). Most of it was completed in 1452 and printed in 1485. In the Ten books of the Art of Building Alberti has explained the usefulness of a roof and wall for human. He said that it helps us to come close to one another and also grow together. Therefore we should be grateful to architects not only because they provides us a safe and welcome place but also for its many innovations, which are useful to both individuals and the public and the also provide our daily needs (page 3). Commissioned by Ludovico II Gonzaga, the church was begun in 1462 according to designs by Leon Battista Alberti on a site occupied by a Benedictine monastery, of which the bell tower (1414) remains. The building, however, was finished only 328 years later. Though later changes and expansions altered Albertis design, the church is still considered to be one of Albertis most complete works. The purpose of the renaissance building was to contain the pilgrims who visited it during the feast of Ascension when a vial, that the faithful argue contains the Blood of Christ, is brought up from the crypt below through a hole in the floor directly under the dome. According to tradition the Most Precious Blood was brought to Mantua by the Roman centurion Longinus and is preserved in the Sacred Vessels. It was held with high respect during the Renaissance which is only display on Holy Friday. Humanism is the studying of the classics (Greek and Latin) and incorporating their ideas into ones own. It is the cultural movement of the Renaissance architecture. Most renaissance classical architecture shows more clarity than the older ones, because it emphasizes clean lines, geometric shapes, symmetry. It argues whether that is more enlightened than medieval architecture. It was more thought out, perhaps; more consistent, more systematic. Alberti had many philosophies when designing for buildings, and like the works of Vitruvius, created text that gave instruction on how to build, but saved main emphasis on the decoration and the exterior aesthetics of the structure. One principle that Alberti made use of was a system of Proportionality that he developed using systematic harmony of musical ratio, to make his buildings appealing. Defined as the precise and correct outline, conceived in the mind, made up of lines and angles, and perfected in the learned intellect and imagination, this theory and lineamenta were fundamental in Albertis process of design. Alberti believed that the Lineamenta stood as an outline and allowed proportions to be perceived in the design , where The very same numbers that cause sound to have that concinnitas, pleasing to the ears, can also fill the eyes and mind with wondrous delight. Reapplying emphasis on the humanistic approach to design The tie with the humanistic style of design is a constant theme throughout Albertis ten books, and the beauty of Buildings also features heavily. Alberts definition, Beauty resides in a reasoned harmony of all the parts within a body, so that nothing may be added, taken away, or altered, but for the worse. It is a great and holy matter, all our resources of skill and ingenuity will be taxed in achieving it; and rarely is it granted even to Nature herself, to produce anything that is entirely complete and perfect in every respect. (VI, ii, 156). Albertis view of what Beauty is has connection to the analogy of anthropomorphism, seeing Man as a component that uses energy to serve and do well. This philosophy maintains that Alberti believed that men were made in Gods image and likeness, creator of the universe, and through this thought, understood that what qualities make a building beautiful opens the path to the route of all Knowledge and the original source of beauty to draw from, God himself. In his treatise nature is used as inspiration, where the reason of Nature permits an architect to investigate into the features of the natural world, including mans influence, to become better equipped to perceive and make use of Concinnitas, (which Alberti refers to as the spouse and soul of reason) to link presenting nature as the source of art in architecture and the nature based laws embedded in the outside world. As in the San Andrea, Mantua the faà §ade of the church is exquisitely decorated with curves and flowing patterns on the ordered columns, drawing from Albertis treatise and its guidance on how to not only create a building, but how to make its beauty reflect that of Gods love and Nature Refrences: -Carroll William Westfall(Journal entry 16) Marvin Trachtenberg and Isabelle Hyman. Architecture: from Prehistory to Post-Modernism. p295-6 References Title: On the Art of Building in Ten Books Author: Leon Battista Alberti Translator: Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach, Robert Tavernor Published by the MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska Essay

Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers The Bread Givers, written by Anzia Yezierska, revolves around a starving lower east side family whose daughter rebels against her fathers’ strict conception of the role of a Jewish woman. The major theme of this novel is doomed relationships. There are several of these that are thoroughly analyzed in the novel. These include the relationship between Rabbi Smolinksy and the females in his family as well as those in his society, between him and his son-in-laws, between the Smolinsky daughters and their husbands, between the Smolinsky daughters and their heritage, between Rabbi Smolinksy and his heritage, and lastly, between the old and the new. The following will concentrate on three of latter relationships that are doomed to fail. The main doomed relationship in the novel the Bread Givers, is the relationship between Rabbi Smolinsky and the females in the Smolinsky family. No relationship can survive when one thinks lowly of the other. This is what occurred in the novel and is seen when Rabbi Smolinsky, who still emotionally lives... Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska Essay Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers The Bread Givers, written by Anzia Yezierska, revolves around a starving lower east side family whose daughter rebels against her fathers’ strict conception of the role of a Jewish woman. The major theme of this novel is doomed relationships. There are several of these that are thoroughly analyzed in the novel. These include the relationship between Rabbi Smolinksy and the females in his family as well as those in his society, between him and his son-in-laws, between the Smolinsky daughters and their husbands, between the Smolinsky daughters and their heritage, between Rabbi Smolinksy and his heritage, and lastly, between the old and the new. The following will concentrate on three of latter relationships that are doomed to fail. The main doomed relationship in the novel the Bread Givers, is the relationship between Rabbi Smolinsky and the females in the Smolinsky family. No relationship can survive when one thinks lowly of the other. This is what occurred in the novel and is seen when Rabbi Smolinsky, who still emotionally lives...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Premchand’s Goodan and Dickens Hard Times Essay

There is always unremitting impression which brings Premchand’s Goodan and Dickens Hard Times in framework as an entirety. Goodan which was written 1936, in a nutshell travels on the apprehension of a life of a farmer, most importantly oppression in the hand of class structure. As a critic points out the life of Indian village and the farmer seems to be trapped in the net woven by the landlords, moneylenders and police i. e. suggesting double standard of the capitalists. Dickens correspondingly voices social injustice and problem in the capitalist framework most importantly oppression of the lower class by the upper class. A critic suggested that both the writers Premchand and Dickens primarily concerns to voicing the social reform, consciously trying to draw a balance between idealism and realism as a whole. In Hard Times which was written in 1854, depicted Victorian industrial society, and formulated a troop of radical critique of industrial England. Siengfried A.  Schulz in his book â€Å"Premchand : a western appraisal† provided mainly three proposition drawn between Hard times and Goodan. In Hard Times : 1) Injustice 2) Oppression of the poor by the upper class 3) Attack on the economic theorist, utilitarian. Again, in case of Goodan he proposes 1) deeply intrigued on the Question of Dharma. 2) Oppression of the poor by the rich. 3) Confinement of Premchand to depict the ugly aspect of Indian society. If we closely observe there seems to struggle between two world : world of fancy and world of factualism in Hard Times and world of village and city in Goodan. Goodan presents the life of Hori and his inclination towards religious ritual i. e. Goodan and his unable to forsake the concept of his dharma and his life is doomed due to his adherence to it. The use of the term Dharma by Premchand gives the impression of a hollow ring suggesting hypocritical too. Hori, hopes that all other would understand and naturally adhere to a traditional code of conduct, but his attitude is not reciprocated. This also gives a vibrant picture of problem of social hierarchy as a whole. In Hard Times too, the fact oriented ideology of the characters like Gradgrind and Bounderby can be seen as they opposed any kind of fancy or imagination. Dickens represents utilitarian concept of adherence to ‘fact’ which is dominant in the novel. Again, a critic points out that the marriage between Lusia- Bounderby can be connected with the character of Hori, as he too maries his elder daughter in marriage to an elderly man, but the difference according to him is that it is Hori’s helplessness and misery that drives him towards this decision. Some critic even points out that Premchand’s bringing out of this concept of marriage gives a parallel treatment of marriage as a whole for the western as well as Indian society. Through Hori, Premchand reveals the prospect of Indian farmers giving a warning that life of misery would continue until there is no change in the approach of Indian farmers towards his environment. Through Gradgrind and Bounderby, Dickens produced his product of representing the contemporary purely materialistic, scientifically bent utilitarian theory. A critic posts Goodan far ahead of Hard Times as it seems more realistic then Hard Times. There is many instances like the Gradgrind’s giving shelter to Sissy Jupe, and Hori’s giving shelter to Siliya which proposed Siegfried’s attempt of convincing that there can be possibility of borrowing ideas by Premchand Form Dickens. Again, there is also a possible analogy between lives of Stephen and Hori as both had extreme faith in life and simplicity and honesty are almost akin to Hori’s dharma. Even their death brings out similarity as both dies with desires that are not fulfilled. Stephen’s fall symbolizes the destruction of the working class by industrial upper class and Hori’s death indicates defeat of the Indian peasant in the face of unbearable odd. There can be similar parallel between characters like Stephen- Richel and Mehta and Malti in Goodan. Both limited roles, suggesting extra-marital affair. Through these characters Premchand represented the immergence of free thinking society. Mehta and Malti exposes Premchand’s idealism and Dickens depicted realistic form through Stephen and Richel. Premchand posesthe concept of westernization in the cities as well as Malti becomes the target of his sarcasm and satire too in Goodan. At last Tom and Gobar poises two portal of articulation as Tom suggests natural and nasty influence of the fact – oriented society. Gobar seems to be burdened by the approach of younger generation. Tom, like Gobar becomes the link betwwn the two worlds. Dickens seems to be hopeful but Premchand exposes his pessimism, his loss of faith in the ability of the Indian psyche to overcome change. This voices the two writers concern in reforming society. â€Å"No matter how far you’ve gone down the wrong road, turn back. † — Turkish Proverb

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Development of the American Experiences

Current society of America dates back to past development experiences. The American nationalities comprise of distinct tribes, states and ethnic groups who survived from diverse political, cultural and social backgrounds. New societies, culture and people mainly originate from migration in search for new opportunities and lives. American society in the United States traces back their origin to more than one migration experiences. Such emigrational experiences labeled America as nation of immigrations.Change is inevitable, development experiences have been influenced by changes in the society where immigrants sought for new destinations. Change occurred due to impact of immigrant culture to the natives. The change results from pursuit of freedom and acceptance in the American society. The article seeks to evaluate the development experiences in the American Society by discussing thinker Jr. Martin Luther King commentary on â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† The paper presents a new interpretation of American history by focusing on Jr.Martin Luther King, political thought as a commentary on principles and problems of free government. In addition, some respects on modification of the principles as advanced in the declaration of independence and embodied in the constitution are discussed in this paper. The pursuit of Negro towards freedom and justice is discussed based on Jr. Martin Luther King answers to criticisms of his activities. Martin Luther King, Jr. , â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† While Jr. Martin Luther King was confined in the Birmingham city jail, he came across statement calling his activities â€Å"unwise and untimely.† He sought to answer criticisms of his work and ideas since the men who criticized him were of genuine good will with sincere criticisms. He served as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization that was established in every southern state with Atlanta, Georgia being headquarter. The organization had several affiliates who shared staff, educational and financial resources. The affiliates in Birmingham called the organization to engage in a nonviolent direct action program if such sharing deemed necessary. These lead to Jr. Martin Luther King confined in Birmingham city jail because of injustices.The rise of injustices compelled Jr. Luther to fight for freedom beyond his home town by responding to the Macedonian call for aid. He was aware of the interrelationship of all communities and states, this lead to his concern about the injustices in Birmingham which threatened justice all over the state (Luther 1). The Negroes faced multifaceted problems from political, social and economic injustices. They faced segregation, racial discrimination, brutality, bloodshed and poverty. Such problems gave rise to freedom fighters in pursuit to achieve social freedom and justices.The Negro leaders were caught in an unavoidable network of mutuality which was tied to a single element of destiny. Importantly, what affects one directly affects all indirectly. He explored the demonstrations which took place in Birmingham, the city’s power structure of white left the Negro community with no alternative but to use demonstration to raise the issues which they faced. The nonviolent campaign comprised four basic steps namely: collection of the facts to determine existence of injustices, negotiation, self purification and direct action. All these steps were followed by black in Birmingham with aim of gaining justice.Racial injustices were dominant in the community; Birmingham was tremendously segregated city in the United States with brutal experiences. They experienced unjust treatment in the courts, high proportion of unsolved bombings of their homes and churches in Birmingham than in any other cities. The Negro leaders sought to negotiate with the white leaders of the city who consistently refused to engage in negotiation and understanding (Luther 1). After several failures of negotiations, Negro leaders got opportunity to talk with leaders of Birmingham's economic community.Certain promises were made during negotiation, which saw merchants removed stores which were racialism sign. Such promises led to suspension of demonstration by Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth and other leaders of the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. Negroes become victims of broken promises where injustices were briefly removed, returned and others remained. Shadow of disappointment remained upon the Negro leadership who sought for direct action with aim of presenting their cases to local and national community. Self purification was used, nonviolent workshops were introduced.Direct action was scheduled for the Easter season since it was main shopping period of the year. The by-product of direct action was a strong economic-withdrawal which brought pressure on merchants for a change to occur. Direct action plan was postponed until mayoral election wa s over and later till the run off with aim of demonstrations not to cloud the issue at hand. The defeat of Commissioner of Public Safety, Eugene â€Å"Bull† Connor resulted to more postponement of direct actions. The call of negotiation was indeed a purpose of direct action.Nonviolent direct action was used to create crisis and foster tension because community consistently refused to negotiate. The force was used to confront and dramatized the issue which could no longer be ignored. Luther is strongly opposed to violent tension, but he asserts that there is a constructive nonviolent tension which is effective for growth. It was very necessary to create a tension in the mind of individuals to enable them rise from the bondage of myths and half truths to the free realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal.This suggests that the kind of tension is created in society to help individuals rise from dark depths of prejudice and racism to the greater heights of understanding and sense of belonging. The purpose of direct action was to create the crisis situation which opened door for negotiation (Luther 2). Despite Mr. Boutwell being a gentleman than Mr. Connor, they are both segregationists, who were interested in maintenance of status. One is forced to understand the Negro leadership legitimate and unavoidable impatience of breaking laws. Luther urged people to obey Supreme Court's decision of 1954 which outlawed segregation in the public schools.However, one can ask why to break some laws while obeying others? Luther suggested that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. One has a legal and moral responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey unjust law. Just law is a man made code that mutually respects the moral law and God natural law while an unjust law is a coded unharmonious moral rule. Just law uplifts personality while unjust law degrades personality. Segregation is unjust since it distorts the soul and damages the personality. Segregat or feels superior while the segregated are viewed as inferiors.Segregation is politically, economically, sociologically and morally wrong and sinful. Throughout the nation of Alabama, all sorts of segregation were used not to vote despite being majority in the population. Another form of segregation was that citizens were denied a privilege to have peaceful assembly and protest. Luther asserts that one who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly and willingly to accept the penalty (Luther 4). From Luther’s point of view, Negro's great stumbling block towards achievement of freedom is not white citizens but the white moderates.The white moderates are highly devoted to order rather than to justice. They preferred a negative peace with absence of tension to a positive peace with presence of justice. In addition, they agreed on Negro’s pursuit for justice and freedom but not methods of direct action. They blocked social progress and revolution. Federal courts affi rms that it is very wrong to advocate an individual to cease from efforts that enable one to gain basic constitutional rights because the pursuit may precipitate violence. Society must be involved in protecting the robbed and punishing the robber.It was hoped that the white moderates would reject the myth of timing concern in relation to struggle for freedom (Luther 5). It is apparent that Luther stood in middle of two opposing forces in the Negro community. One force was complacency, made up oppressed and drained Negroes who have adjusted to segregation. The other force comprised few middle-class Negroes who had academic and economic security. The forces were characterized by bitterness and hatred. Despite such forces, the Negro church way of nonviolence became an integral part of the struggle for freedom.The yearning for freedom eventually manifested itself among American Negroes which gave birth to freedom. With the conjunction of Africans, Asian, South Americans and the Caribbea n, the United States Negro moved to great urgency towards racial justice (Luther 6). However, some of white individuals from South grasped the meaning of social revolution and they committed themselves towards it. Despite their low quantity, their high quality outweighed quantity. Some such as Ralph McGill, Lillian Smith, Harry Golden, James McBride Dabbs and Ann Braden have languished in jails for their pursuit of Negro social freedom (Luther 7).Conclusion From the evidence presented in the paper, it is concluded that developments of American experiences dates back to pursuit of political, social and economic freedom. Despite confinement of Jr. Martin Luther King in Birmingham jail, he answered all criticisms of his activities. Injustices such as segregation, brutality and racism compelled Luther to fight for freedom. Nonviolence demonstration which comprised of negotiation, self purification and direct action were used to raise issues of injustices.Direct action involved tension w hich helped society to wake up from racism to great heights of brotherhood. Laws are divided into two, just law which lifts up personality and unjust law which degrades personality. were segregated not to vote and privilege of peaceful assembly and protests were denied. The stumbling block of Negroes achievement of freedom was influenced by white moderates. Luther eventually won through the help of Negro church for struggle despite standing in the middle of Negro community opposition forces. Some whit individuals embraced social revolution though they languished in jails.Civil rights are not gained without determined legal and nonviolent pressure. It is known that through painful experience that freedom is not voluntarily given by the oppressor but it must be demanded by oppressed as the statement â€Å"Justice too long delayed is justice denied.† suggests. Time is neutral variable which can either be used destructively or constructively.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to make a non-alcoholic cocktail essayEssay Writing Service

How to make a non-alcoholic cocktail essayEssay Writing Service How to make a non-alcoholic cocktail essay How to make a non-alcoholic cocktail essayIt is not a secret that cocktails are very popular today. According to researchers, â€Å"people have been mixing drinks for hundreds of years† (Page 6). If you are going to organize a party, you should find the most suitable recipes of cocktails to impress your guests. Today there are many young people who take care of their health. They do not smoke and ignore alcoholic drinks. Experts suggest that â€Å"non-alcoholic cocktails are exciting, attractive and safe† (Biggs 116). You should make the best non-alcoholic cocktail in order to satisfy your non-drinking guests. There are millions of recipes of non-alcoholic cocktails. Actually, it is not an easy task to find the best recipe among millions, but you are to do it! Some of the most popular cocktails are rather easy to make. Among the most popular and highly recognized cocktails are the Screwdriver, the Tom Collins, the Blood Mary, the Harvey Wallbanger, which contain only 2- 4 ingredients! Although these cocktails are rather easy to make, they â€Å"have been around for years and are still enjoyed immensely today† (Page 6). You can use similar ingredients, but without alcohol. Let’s discuss the process of making a premium class non-alcoholic cocktail.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Making non-alcoholic cocktails is a rather simple task. You need special equipment that will facilitate the process of making a cocktail. To start with, you need a cocktail shaker. Today there are two types of cocktail shakers available on the market: the European cocktail shaker and American cocktail shaker. The former is made of metal or glass, with a metal top and lid, while the latter consists of two cones of the same size. Both types are appropriate for premium quality cocktails. Second, you need a glass jigger to measure your spirits.   Finally, you need a muddler in order to bash up leaves, ice and other ingredients. You may also use ice cr usher and electric blender.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now, it’s high time to make a cocktail. The Virgin Mary cocktail is the best choice! The original name of this cocktail is the Bloody Mary. However, we’ll take the non-alcoholic version.   Experts suggest that â€Å"this drink is full of spice and perfectly served with breakfast or lunch† (ODochartaigh). You need the following ingredients:3 ounces Tomato Juice ½ ounce Lemon Juice ½ teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce2-3 drops Tabasco SauceLime, Lemon or Pickle SliceThe process of making the Virgin Mary cocktail is very easy to remember. You should take a tall glass and combine tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco sauce, mixing all ingredients well. Do not forget to use special equipment that will facilitate the process of making the cocktail. You should serve cocktails in the right glass. Use fancy umbrellas and straws to impress your guests! You may serve the Virgin M ary cocktail chilled with ice. Do not forget to garnish the cocktail with lemon, lime or pickle slice.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, non-alcoholic cocktails are tasty and easy to make. According to experts, â€Å"by eliminating the cost of alcohol, these cocktails become a perfect drink appropriate for anyone at any age and can be served any time of the day† (ODochartaigh). You may use your imagination to create new recipes of non-alcoholic cocktails.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business Process Inside Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Process Inside Companies - Essay Example The department conducts regular updating of the website with the resent information for the business to cope with the changing environment. The department also has the responsibility of managing the suppliers and vendors in the organization. This is through ensuring that the materials received are in a cost effective manner for the business to make the target profit. There are numerous activities, which are involved in order to ensure that the suppliers and vendors are managed effectively. One of these activities includes the sending and receiving of invoices to customers and from the suppliers respectively. When the materials are received from the vendors, and the suppliers, the department communicates to the department of finance and accounting in order to make payment. The department has also the responsibility of sending the invoices to those customers who have been billed for getting the services from the organization. All these transactions in the organizations have a lot of do cumentation, and the organization has the responsibility of keeping records of transactions in the business. Human resource department In this department, there is the management of the employee in the organization. ... The department also concentrates on the employee benefit systems while keeping the relevant documents of the payment details. The department files the tax on the salaries of employees for the federals purposes of tax payment. There is also the employee evaluation of their performance. The department also keeps records of their performance. The department actively engages in the reviews the performance of employees, for the identification of the best performing employee in the organization, in order for their efforts to be recognized, and awarded through the department there is an arrangement of training and development programs for employees. Accounting and Finance This department deals with the cash flows of the organization. This is in terms of the dealing with the cash payment and receiving of cash, for the monitoring of the cash flow of the organization. There is the coordination with the administration for the receiving of the invoices from suppliers in order to make payments to suppliers and vendors. This department processes the checks for making the payment of invoices. The checks are given to the administration for the payment. In the department, there is also coordination with the HR department for the updating of information about the employee payroll. This updates are made with the motive of making the alteration that are required for the compensation of employees for the services provided to the organization. The department processes the checks meant to make the payment of the employees’ salaries. Mail center The department receives the messages in the organization from the other departments. After receiving the messages, the department in turn does the processing on the message ,in order to identify the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Us formative history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Us formative history - Essay Example They are document 1, document 2, document 3, and essay on the New World of Indians. Document 1 is a myth by Iroquois explaining the world’s beginning. The myth illustrates that the world never existed in the beginning, not even the land, the creatures, or the men. However, there was only the ocean that occupied entire space and the great air void above ocean surface. Document 2 illustrates the 1448 historic events of the battles between the Portuguese and the West Africans. The Portuguese directed their voyage to Cape Verder where two Guineas were captured in the past. On reaching the shore the Portuguese found a village with houses and men willing to defend it. Alvaro Fernandez killed the leader of the village, and the Guineas stopped fighting on realizing that their leader is dead (Jones 107). Document 3 explains the 1493 encounter of Christopher Columbus with the Native People. Christopher Columbus passed by Indies, using the fleet given by the King and the Queen, and saw several islands with many inhabitants. The inhabitants walk around naked; save for some women who cover their private parts with a plant leaf or some specially made cotton material (Morison 55). The essay explains the New World of the Indians. Even though the encounter of the Americas by the Europeans led to major effects in the Indian society; the indigenous people had inhabited the Americas for approximately millennia. The New World was experienced when the Indians encountered the Africans and the European, in the Virginia and also the California. The contact brought vast changes to the Indians society (Johnson 24). Document 1 describes the world origin myth. The sea had fish and deep sea creatures. The birds lived in the air, and the sky world had a man and his pregnant wife. The wife fell through a hole in the sky and landed on the back of the huge sea turtle. The woman gave birth to a daughter, who on reaching maturity bore quarrelsome twins. Right handed twin